Welcome to the CPL website
While you are exploring, remember that you can click on the logo and library name at the top left to return to the homepage at any time.
Get to Your Account
Click the Log In/My CPL link in the top right corner of any page on the site to see what you have checked out, add an item to your hold list, or view and pay charges on your account. If it's your first time logging in, you'll need to register.

Search the Catalog & the Website
You can toggle the search bar to choose whether to search the catalog, the website, FAQs or events.
Use the Menu Bar
The options at the top are the same on every page. Under Browse, you can select the page that has the type of content you're most interested in seeing.
The Services section includes information about reserving meeting rooms, low vision aids, and resources like the copy/print/scan/fax machines.
The Research & Learn page is your portal to all library databases and learning tools.
Click on Programs to learn more about the library’s program offerings for kids through adults. Open registration for new programs is announced in the CPL newsletter, or you can use the filters on the Programs page to find just what you're looking for.