Canton Connections

The art and culture festivals we’ve come to love over the years are back this summer. Find more information here on these local happenings.
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Just Keep Swimming: Places to Take the Plunge around Canton

With warmer temperatures come opportunities for swimming and splashing. This summer, dive into one or more of these local water attractions.

The Library in the Wild

CPL ventures outside our building so we can bring the library to you. Here’s when and where we plan to do that all summer long.

Know Your Org: Empowering Lives with CWO

Learn more about Community Work Opportunities (CWO) as they strive to empower adults with disabilities and enhance lives.

Spotlight On

Disability Pride Month

Activists stress that "disability" is not a bad word. Find community and library resources for people with disabilities here.

In Your Neighborhood

You've Gotta Have Art: 37 Years of D&M Art Studio

Celebrate American Artist Appreciation Month and meet longtime Canton artist Sharon Lee Dillenbeck Rokita of D&M Art Studio.

Conversation Starters

Do you enjoy meeting new people at the library but sometimes feel nervous about making conversation? If so, here are some starters for you. Give them a try and see if they help you feel more relaxed.

Tips for meeting new people

◉  Break the ice with a smile.

◉  Put your phone away.

◉  Be curious and ask questions.

◉  Be yourself—people want the real you so they can express the real them.

◉  Start with an off-script question (not the typical "what do you do") or a statement about something you observe or are curious about ("this painting really confuses me").

◉  Avoid idioms and slang.

◉  Speak clearly and actively listen.

◉  Make an effort to learn and say their name correctly if it's new to you.

◉  Give someone a compliment to shift the focus to them and make them feel good.

◉  Accept that it might be awkward for a bit, but if you keep going, you'll hopefully get to having a real conversation.

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