Every year in October, the Women's National Book Association celebrates National Reading Group Month, an initiative to foster growth of book groups and the love of literature.
The Canton Public Library has three different adult book groups that meet monthly. Consider joining in on one of these book discussions!
Contemporary Book Group
Sponsored by the Friends of the Canton Public Library, the Contemporary Book Group meets at 7:00-8:00 PM on the third Monday of each month and reads contemporary literature. Their October meeting is October ____ [link to event] and they'll be discussing ____ [link to catalog item].
Eclectic Book Group
The Midday Book Group meets the second Thursday of each month at noon-1:00 PM, and read a variety of titles, including some nonfiction and graphic novels. Their October meeting is October____ [link to event] and they'll be discussing ____ [link to catalog item].
Senior Book Group
The Senior Book Group meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 2:00-3:00 PM. They discuss a variety of literary and occasional nonfiction titles, usually available in standard and large print. Their October meeting is October____ [link to event] and they'll be discussing ____ [link to catalog item].
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