National Bird-Feeding Month


Are you part of the 35% of American adults who enjoy birding? This hobby has grown in popularity in recent years. Many birders do more than just watch birds. They also stock their bird feeders and maintain plantings and natural areas around the home for the benefit of birds.

While birding is a year-round hobby, February has been designated National Bird-Feeding Month. Wild birds are true survivalists, but even they can use help to get through the cold winter months when snow covers the ground, and their natural food sources are scarce.

Celebrate National Bird-Feeding Month

  • Fill up your bird feeder or add one this month. Be sure to place your feeder away from predators.
  • Set your binoculars near the window for best viewing.
  • Start a bird journal.
  • Join a birding club.
  • Participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count from February 14-17, 2025.

Here are some resources if you would like to learn more about birds and birding as a hobby.


Books at Canton Public Library

A Practical Illustrated Guide to Attracting & Feeding Garden Birds

Easy Birdhouses & Feeders

Midwestern Birds

National Geographic Birding Basics

Birds of Michigan