Much of our education comes from time spent in academic institutions and facilities like classrooms, labs and shops. Thanks to modern technology, learning can happen anywhere at any time.
So, when you’re ready to learn, the library’s e-media resources are here for you; even if you’re not seeking information about traditional topics. Here are five different things you can learn right now via hoopla, Libby or Kanopy.
1. How to forage for food.
With this series of Masterclass videos, wilderness survival expert and former Air Force SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) specialist, Jessie Krebs, teaches you about things like the right tools to have in the wild, how to navigate the outdoors and how to build and maintain a fire. (hoopla)
Meet Your Instructor: Jessie Krebs
2. Did ancient whales have legs?
Everyone loves dinosaurs, but there's a lot more in this 24-episode video course from The Great Courses and the Smithsonian Institute. Learn about the science of studying fossils and how they tell us about our planet's history, including an entire unit on dinosaurs and their descendants. (Kanopy)
3. How to make your own fun.
This e-audiobook offers encouragement and instruction to turn your passion for video games into the skills needed to create your own with your home computer. Topics covered include picking the right game engine and maximizing the fun in your game idea. (hoopla)
How to Make a Video Game All by Yourself
4. Who's a good boy? (Answer: your dog.)
World-renowned “Dog Whisperer” Cesar Milan and Melissa Jo Peltier will teach you everything you need to know to care for and raise a happy and healthy dog in this e-audiobook. (Libby)
5. How to turn your friends into monsters.
Hosted by character actor Michael Berryman, this streaming video features Hollywood makeup artist Christina Rodriguez as she teaches aspiring film makers and people looking for awesome Halloween costumes the basics of horror and monster movie makeup. (hoopla)
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